it was missed
anybody could do something so stupid
More People Don’t Drop Children Out of Windows
he can say stuff like that - people abroad will see us as irrational
i can pick up a telephone and talk to someone
to find the perfect formula to make everything ok
a practicing Christian can turn his back
a stock has a trading price of 5.97, but when I buy it I have to pay the asking price of 6.04
rss feeds work
"be 22 and hot" isn't at the top of the list
having sex while standing is possible
the Adsense payment verification works
anyone can be offended by this story
to do this problem can you explaine indeept answer f(x)=2x-5
to write a higher english essay
a gay organization can continue to support a party that constantly demeans them
you can tell us to "never start a fight" and then tell us to poke someone in the esophagus
people can believe in conspiracy theories
Justin "dissed" Britney last night
saying addiction is a choice makes things more difficult for an addict to seek help
you get the Normal vectors
it's hard to navigate
"i don't understand how"
